The site of the town Molodezhnyj


Tolbino have now renamed into Molodezhnyj.
Town Molodezhnyj (earlier Gorodok-1, Tolbino, Podolsk-13) the former military camp in Podolsk district of Moscow Region. Is in conducting federal state governing bodies.
Population - about 3 thousand inhabitants.

It is located To the south of Klimovsk, the nearest road "Betonka" (A105 the Moscow Small Ring), also nearby passes the Simferopol highway (М2 Crimea), to the east of town there passes a branch line of the Kursk direction - the nearest station Lvovskaya is in twenty minutes of walking from town. Initially the small town has been formed as a military camp at a military part (educational air defence).
Directly the town is adjoined by village Tolbino - which is in turn divided by road into 2 parts - Small and Big Tolbino.
Also nearby the Podolsk Factory of Nonferrous metals, VNIIST, the Building company the "MOST", and many the small enterprises is located.
In 2005 the new boiler-house is entered into a system. Also in 2005 extension building to Tolbinsky High school has been finished and the old building is reconstructed. Now the school looks very beautifully.
In November 2007г a new kindergarten in territory of the old. The old building of a kindergarten has been broken.
In 2008 completely reconstructed and repaired club (now a recreation centre Molodezhnyj) again has opened.
In a building of an officer dining room now the entertaining centre and shop.
In town have completely repaired roads. All lampposts and now street illumination everywhere are replaced works, in a night-time in town very beautifully.

On November, 27th 2007г with participation of the head of administration of Podolsk municipal area of Nikolay Moskalev, representatives of municipal administration and inhabitants of town, solemn opening of preschool educational institution on 150 places has taken place.

The new building of a kindergarten two-storeyed kirpichno-monolithic, is calculated on eight groups with day stay of children.
On the ground floor two groups for children nursery age, a first-aid post, nutrition unit, on the second floor - six groups of preschool age, a logopedic office, a winter garden, a nature corner, musical, sports halls, a methodical office take places.
Nursery groups on the ground floor have an independent input from a site, groups of preschool age - the general input. In a building furnish of walls and ceilings in halls of musical and gymnastic employment, evacuation ways is executed from fireproof materials. Floors in group, game premises are executed on heat - both a soundproofing underlying cause and warmed on heating system "heat-insulated floor". 2009г

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